On 21 and 22 March, School Deputy Director Angelique Antonova took part in the New Modes of Learning conference held by the Directorate General for Interpretation of the European Commission (SCIC) for the EMCI university network. The conference addressed the issues of a virtual learning environment, as well as virtual master-classes between the universities and SCIC, or the universities themselves. The participants agreed that virtual learning promotes integration and cooperation within the network, and is more relevant to younger generations, for whom virtual communication is an everyday reality. Additionally, it the gives linguistic services of the European Commission an opportunity to monitor the training process in member universities. Videoconferences with SCIC involvement allow students to receive expert feedback on their performance, and strengthen ties between universities and employers.
Meetings with the representatives of the Directorate General for Interpretation of the European Parliament, and School Vice President Noel Myulle, concerning introduction of the training module on congress management into the School curriculum took place during the visit.