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Май 2013: учебные видеоконференции с вузами-партнерами

1 July 2013|

Two videoconferences organized by St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation jointly with the MoU partner universities were a final chord to the 2012/2013 academic year.

On 27 May the telebridge brought together the students from St. Petersburg, ESIT (L’École Supérieure d’Interprèteset de Traducteurs) and the experts from SCIC, European Commission. The speeches were interpreted consecutively by the trainees from each school, and this allowed to compare the quality of interpreting as well as learn not only from experienced interpreters but also from the peers at ESIT. The topics varied from shale production to recreational hunting and races. The SCIC experts were satisfied with the quality of interpreting done by the School students.

On the following day another team of young interpreters from St Petersburg took part in the videoconference with the colleagues from the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, Geneva University. The trainers from both universities prepared speeches which were interpreted consecutively at each school. At our side the students not engaged in the actual conference interpreting practiced the same speeches simultaneously in dummy booths. A speech in Spanish done by the Geneva trainer gave our student a rare opportunity to practice this language in the simulated conference setting. All reports came under the single topic “The changing paradigm of the family in politics and society”, and such thematic unity proved to be a productive principle to build a conference on.

Школа открывает новое направление: образовательную программу «Менеджмент мероприятий» с ноября 2013 г.

28 June 2013|

St Petersburg is a large centre of international activity with countless conference events taking place year round. To meet the demand for professional event management, the School is about to launch a new Event Management training program, to produce trained professionals capable of organizing world-class conferences in accordance with international standards, and minimizing content-related and material risks in holding such large-scale events. Creating such a training center is a logical step in the School’s development and an investment in its sustainability. Language mediation is a part of the much larger industry of event management. The classes will start in November 2013. Alongside the training program, there will also be a broad program of internships in Russian governmental institutions and international organizations. The basic goal is to equip future professionals with the best available international standards and techniques of event management as practiced in major international settings and organizations. The course will also include a strong language element to help young professionals open up prospects of international careers. Admission tests start in the third week of October. Updates will be posted on the School site. Read more

Герценовский университет заявлен в качестве образца по сотрудничеству с ООН и принимает следующую сетевую конференцию университетов, подписавших МоД с ООН в 2015 году

17 May 2013|

On 22-23 April 2013, First Vice-Rector Sergey Goncharov, Deputy Director of the School of Conference Interpreting and Translation Angelique Antonova and Professor Liang Cuizhen took part in the Third Conference of the Universities that have signed with the United Nations Memorandums of Understanding on cooperation in preparing candidates for the United Nations Language Competitive Examinations (MoU-Universities). The conference New Technologies and Education in the Multilingual World was hosted by Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), China. The wide range of topics discussed at the conference included quality control in interpreter training, requirements for the UN competitive language examination and related evaluation criteria, the advantages of “blended education” which includes traditional teacher-led classes and innovative virtual classes with the linguistic services of international organizations and partner-universities, as well as opportunities for the UN External Studies Program offered by partner-universities. Good practices of cooperation with the UN was the focus of special attention, and the St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation, Herzen University, stood out as a good example of successful cooperation.

The School Deputy Director Angelique Antonova gave a presentation on quality control in training for the UN, which opened a lively discussion among the Heads of the UN linguistic services, directors and trainers of the translation and interpreting schools.

The MoU Universities Consortium Executive Committee held a meeting attended by Jean-Jacques Graisse, Acting Head of the UN Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM), Franz Baumann, the UN DGACM Assistant Secretary-General, Igor Shpinev, Special Advisor to the Acting Head the UN DGACM, and the representatives of the six MoU Consortium universities, one for each UN language. The Russian language was represented by HerzenUniversity and its First Vice-rector Sergey Goncharov. The meeting resulted in choosing HerzenUniversity as a venue for the next conference, considering its status as a leading institution for training interpreters with the Russian language, and the first Russian university which signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the UN.

At the conference, the School Deputy Director Angelique Antonova held a number of meetings with the Heads of UN linguistic services, resulting an agreement to broaden the School’s cooperation with the UN structures. Thus, starting next year, the School graduates will have a possibility to have their internship in the UN Office in Nairobi, in addition to the existing internship bases in the UN Headquarters in New York, and the UN Offices at Geneva and Vienna. Similarly, the School trainers now may have temporary contracts at the UN services in New-York, Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi.

1-5 апреля 2013 г.: вступительные испытания в высшую школу перевода

7 May 2013|

A week from 1 to 5 April 2013 was a marathon of aptitude tests for the applicants to the School for the next academic year. According to the established procedure the candidates had to show a decent command of three languages (Russian, English and another foreign language) in the language proficiency tests, translation and interpreting tests. The selection process was supervised by the European Commission experts: Liam Long represented the Directorate General for Interpretation, Konrad Fuhrmann – Directorate General for Translation. This year saw a record number of applicants with the German language. The result of the aptitude tests: 20 applicants recommended for enrollment.

12 апреля 2013 г.: учебная видеоконференция с Европейским парламентом

7 May 2013|

On 12 April 2013, the School held the first in a series of planned videoconferences with the Directorate General for Interpretation of the European Parliament. Our European partners prepared speeches, and the students interpreted them consecutively using note-taking techniques. This was the first VC when the students were provided with the opportunity to practice interpreting in all four languages trained at the School – English, German, French and Spanish. The topics ranged from the Great Train Robbery to historical relations between the USSR and Latin America. European experts and the School trainers jointly assessed the results. This virtual interaction with the interpretation services of major international organizations proved to be an important extension to the school curriculum. The students received external assessment of their performance from skilled interpreters which in itself carries an added learning value.

15-19 апреля 2013: мастер классы старшего переводчика Секции русского устного перевода Штаб-квартиры ООН в Нью-Йорке Сергея Кочеткова

17 April 2013|

On 15-19 April 2013, Sergei Kochetkov, Senior Interpreter from the Russian Interpretation Section at the UN Headquarters in New York, gave a series of master classes in the St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation. During a week of intensive work the students brushed up their simultaneous interpretation skills doing actual speeches from the UN meetings in English and French. The classes with Sergei Kochetkov are a unique professional experience for the School trainees. Advice and analysis from such an experienced interpreter as Sergei Kochetkov will help the students acquire and apply UN standards of simultaneous interpretation.

21 и 22 марта 2013 г.: Школа приняла участие в конференции Генерального директората устного перевода «Новые способы обучения»

4 April 2013|

On 21 and 22 March, School Deputy Director Angelique Antonova took part in the New Modes of Learning conference held by the Directorate General for Interpretation of the European Commission (SCIC) for the EMCI university network. The conference addressed the issues of a virtual learning environment, as well as virtual master-classes between the universities and SCIC, or the universities themselves. The participants agreed that virtual learning promotes integration and cooperation within the network, and is more relevant to younger generations, for whom virtual communication is an everyday reality. Additionally, it the gives linguistic services of the European Commission an opportunity to monitor the training process in member universities. Videoconferences with SCIC involvement allow students to receive expert feedback on their performance, and strengthen ties between universities and employers.

Meetings with the representatives of the Directorate General for Interpretation of the European Parliament, and School Vice President Noel Myulle, concerning introduction of the training module on congress management into the School curriculum took place during the visit.

В феврале-марте 2013 г. в Школе состоялись мастер-классы старшего редактора Cлужбы русского письменного перевода Секретариата ООН в Нью-Йорке Д.И. Блошенко

29 March 2013|

From February 25 to March 16, 2013, Dmitri Bloshenko, a senior reviser in the Russian Translation Service of the UN Secretariat in New York, gave a series of master classes at the School.  Using actual UN texts as learning materials our guest explained the students how to avoid typical mistakes in the institutional translation with special emphasis on good command of the Russian language as the main challenge for novice translators. Dmitri Bloshenko took an active part in staff meetings at the School as well as in the international conference “Fighting the Fog in the Multilingualism” which was held during  his visit.

В январе 2013 г. в Школе состоялись мастер-классы начальника английской кабины Генерального директората устного перевода Европейской комиссии Дэвида Смита

29 March 2013|

On 23-25 January 2013 Mr David Smith, Head of the English booth of the DG SCIC, European Commission, gave a series of master-classes. He focused exclusively on interpreting into English, and his professional advice on mastering the retour is hard to overestimate.

В январе 2013 г. в Школе прошли мастер-классы редактора Cекции русского письменного перевода ООН в Женеве М. Кузьменко

29 March 2013|

Mikhail Kuzmenko, Reviser, the Russian Translation Section of the UN Office in Geneva, gave master classes at St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation from January 14 to February 2, 2013. He gave a series of classes in institutional translation, introduced the trainees to the UN terminology resources and documents, conducted a trial test in translation from English into Russian based on the UN general examination text, and gave the trainees general and individual recommendations on improving their translation skills