
Обучение сотрудников МИД Казахстана в рамках гранта МФГС

11 October 2013|

In September 2013, Herzen University signed a Grant Agreement with the Intergovernmental Foundation for Educational, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation to undertake a training program for interpreters-to-be from the Kazakh Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation. This program follows on from the pilot project successfully carried out in 2012. The cooperation between the MFA of Kazakhstan and Herzen University is in accordance with the IFESCCO mission, which is is to contribute to the further development of humanitarian cooperation and intercultural communication within the Commonwealth of Independent States. Russian is the principal language of intergovernmental and international communication in the CIS, as well as being the language of instruction and communication at the School, making this grant possible. Mastering the ins and outs of interpreting from English, German, French and Chinese into Russian will help our Kazakh colleagues to provide professional interpretation in dealing with their country’s international partners, and will equip them with the methodology and techniques to interpret from and into their national language – Kazakh.

This is a project of important international standing: for the first time CIS students can receive a one year-long comprehensive professional training in interpreting with Russian. It is of paramount importance that foreign interpreters with Russian should improve their skills in-country, becoming experts and disseminators of the Russian language and culture worldwide. We sincerely hope that other CIS countries will also be interested in this project, as highly qualified interpreting staff will undoubtedly contribute to strengthening their positions in the international arena

Визит представителей ООН в Школу

11 October 2013|

The fourth week of studies was marked by two UN specialists visiting the School to meet the new students. On 24 September Dmitri Bloshenko, Chief Editor of the Russian Translation Service, UN Headquarters in New York, held a class to explain to the students the specificity of the UN translation. An important and useful talk lasted longer than originally planned as the students were eager to know about the program of the UN internships and the feedback from the UN supervisors. The following day Vladimir Parshikov, Chief of the Russian Translation Service at the UNOG, continued with the topic and spoke about ins and outs of the translator’s profession, the specifics of the translator’s trade in the UN, professional ethics, the norm and its variations. The students asked many questions about cases of errors and misprints in translations, special difficulties of translation, style of UN texts.

Открытие нового учебного года

11 October 2013|

On 2 September an opening ceremony of a new academic year took place at the St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation. As is the tradition, freshmen were welcomed by the University and School officials: Vice-Rector Sergey Goncharov, Vice-Rector for International Affairs Sergey Shilov, School Director Irina Alexeeva, as well as by the School’s trainers and graduates. In fact the students have had a taste of School training even before the ceremony: the school day started early, and they have already had a class in translation before hearing the words of welcome. The new academic year is special in the way that six Kazakh students selected by the MFA of Kazakhstan for intensive interpreter training joined the crew. We hope that this record number of students (25) will ensure a year of fruitful and hard work.

Русский язык как культурный посредник

11 October 2013|

On 15-22 September a unique seminar for young translators of fiction literature from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan took place in Almaty. During the event the Russian language proved to be a valuable mediating tool in translating from German into native languages. Young translators, all of them with solid knowledge of Russian, brought their translations from German into Russian, and reputed translators Irina Alexeeva (SCIT, Herzen university, Russia) and Rosemary Titze (Germany) used them to discuss translation techniques to be applied when translating texts into native languages. Thereby, Russian was used as a language of cultural mediation in creating a body of translated literature in the three CIS languages. Moreover, Russian helped the participants to understand the affinity among Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Turkmen languages, and enabled them to look for similar ways to deal with translation challenges. The seminar was organized jointly by Goethe Institute (Moscow) and Goethe Institute (Kazakhstan) as a part of a three-year program “Mastering Translation”.

3 июля 2013 г: Церемония вручения дипломов выпускникам Санкт-Петербургской высшей школы перевода

10 July 2013|

On 3 July 2013 a Jubilee Diploma Awarding Ceremony took place at St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation. As the tradition goes, the graduates were congratulated by Rector Valery Solomin and honorary guests from Russian MFA, European Commission, the UN and the City Government.

Several members of the Government and international organizations were awarded HerzenUniversity signs of honors. Thus, Alexander Prokhorenko, St. Petersburg Government Member and Chair of the Committee for External Relations, Marco Benedetti, Director General of the DG Interpretation of the European Commission, and Noël Muylle, Honorary Director General of the European Commission received HerzenUniversity medals “In recognition of the services in education and science”. Alexander Gorelik, Director of the UN Information Center in Moscow, Wolter Witteveen, Head of the Interinstitutional Relations and International Cooperation Unit, DG Interpretation, the European Commission, and Kirill Kasyanov, UN Coordinator on MoU were presented with Honorary Certificates of Appreciation from the Herzen Academic Board. The rewardees warmly thanked the Rector’s office for the honor. Marco Benedetti appreciated the University’s decision to apply for membership in international educational institutions – EMCI (European Master in Conference Interpreting) and CIUTI (Conférence Internationale Permanente d’Instituts Universiteres de Traducteurs et Interprétes). Noël Muylle stressed the importance of introducing a programme of Conference Management, a unique educational module meant to meet the growing demand for specialists in event management in the Russian language industry.

11 School’s graduates received Herzen diplomas and St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation certificates and were greeted with a round of applause. The graduates of earlier years also gave a welcome speech. Grigory Khaustov read a letter from Egor Ovcharenko, a School Alumni Associaiton Captain and a 2010 graduate now working at the Russian Translation Service in the UN Headquarters in New York.

A boat trip over the Neva river crowned the festive events of the day. The newly-minted interpreters and translators thanked their trainers in a mock Award Ceremony «Gold Diaphragm».


Подписание Договора о сотрудничество с бюро переводов «Ройд»

9 July 2013|

On 3 July there was signed an agreement between the St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation and Roid Translation Agency (Moscow) in the School conference hall at Herzen University. Under this agreement the parties will exchange information about the events and initiatives in the I&T community, share best practices and innovative technologies, and will jointly participate in translation forums, conferences and seminars. St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation also looks forward to the successful implementation of the suretyship agreement with Roid.

We are convinced that the collaboration between the School and Roid Translation Agency has a great potential, as both parties have a stake in training highly qualified interpreting and translation workforce and developing a professional language mediation market in Russia.

Май 2013: учебные видеоконференции с вузами-партнерами

1 July 2013|

Two videoconferences organized by St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation jointly with the MoU partner universities were a final chord to the 2012/2013 academic year.

On 27 May the telebridge brought together the students from St. Petersburg, ESIT (L’École Supérieure d’Interprèteset de Traducteurs) and the experts from SCIC, European Commission. The speeches were interpreted consecutively by the trainees from each school, and this allowed to compare the quality of interpreting as well as learn not only from experienced interpreters but also from the peers at ESIT. The topics varied from shale production to recreational hunting and races. The SCIC experts were satisfied with the quality of interpreting done by the School students.

On the following day another team of young interpreters from St Petersburg took part in the videoconference with the colleagues from the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, Geneva University. The trainers from both universities prepared speeches which were interpreted consecutively at each school. At our side the students not engaged in the actual conference interpreting practiced the same speeches simultaneously in dummy booths. A speech in Spanish done by the Geneva trainer gave our student a rare opportunity to practice this language in the simulated conference setting. All reports came under the single topic “The changing paradigm of the family in politics and society”, and such thematic unity proved to be a productive principle to build a conference on.

Школа открывает новое направление: образовательную программу «Менеджмент мероприятий» с ноября 2013 г.

28 June 2013|

St Petersburg is a large centre of international activity with countless conference events taking place year round. To meet the demand for professional event management, the School is about to launch a new Event Management training program, to produce trained professionals capable of organizing world-class conferences in accordance with international standards, and minimizing content-related and material risks in holding such large-scale events. Creating such a training center is a logical step in the School’s development and an investment in its sustainability. Language mediation is a part of the much larger industry of event management. The classes will start in November 2013. Alongside the training program, there will also be a broad program of internships in Russian governmental institutions and international organizations. The basic goal is to equip future professionals with the best available international standards and techniques of event management as practiced in major international settings and organizations. The course will also include a strong language element to help young professionals open up prospects of international careers. Admission tests start in the third week of October. Updates will be posted on the School site. Read more

Герценовский университет заявлен в качестве образца по сотрудничеству с ООН и принимает следующую сетевую конференцию университетов, подписавших МоД с ООН в 2015 году

17 May 2013|

On 22-23 April 2013, First Vice-Rector Sergey Goncharov, Deputy Director of the School of Conference Interpreting and Translation Angelique Antonova and Professor Liang Cuizhen took part in the Third Conference of the Universities that have signed with the United Nations Memorandums of Understanding on cooperation in preparing candidates for the United Nations Language Competitive Examinations (MoU-Universities). The conference New Technologies and Education in the Multilingual World was hosted by Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), China. The wide range of topics discussed at the conference included quality control in interpreter training, requirements for the UN competitive language examination and related evaluation criteria, the advantages of “blended education” which includes traditional teacher-led classes and innovative virtual classes with the linguistic services of international organizations and partner-universities, as well as opportunities for the UN External Studies Program offered by partner-universities. Good practices of cooperation with the UN was the focus of special attention, and the St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation, Herzen University, stood out as a good example of successful cooperation.

The School Deputy Director Angelique Antonova gave a presentation on quality control in training for the UN, which opened a lively discussion among the Heads of the UN linguistic services, directors and trainers of the translation and interpreting schools.

The MoU Universities Consortium Executive Committee held a meeting attended by Jean-Jacques Graisse, Acting Head of the UN Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM), Franz Baumann, the UN DGACM Assistant Secretary-General, Igor Shpinev, Special Advisor to the Acting Head the UN DGACM, and the representatives of the six MoU Consortium universities, one for each UN language. The Russian language was represented by HerzenUniversity and its First Vice-rector Sergey Goncharov. The meeting resulted in choosing HerzenUniversity as a venue for the next conference, considering its status as a leading institution for training interpreters with the Russian language, and the first Russian university which signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the UN.

At the conference, the School Deputy Director Angelique Antonova held a number of meetings with the Heads of UN linguistic services, resulting an agreement to broaden the School’s cooperation with the UN structures. Thus, starting next year, the School graduates will have a possibility to have their internship in the UN Office in Nairobi, in addition to the existing internship bases in the UN Headquarters in New York, and the UN Offices at Geneva and Vienna. Similarly, the School trainers now may have temporary contracts at the UN services in New-York, Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi.

1-5 апреля 2013 г.: вступительные испытания в высшую школу перевода

7 May 2013|

A week from 1 to 5 April 2013 was a marathon of aptitude tests for the applicants to the School for the next academic year. According to the established procedure the candidates had to show a decent command of three languages (Russian, English and another foreign language) in the language proficiency tests, translation and interpreting tests. The selection process was supervised by the European Commission experts: Liam Long represented the Directorate General for Interpretation, Konrad Fuhrmann – Directorate General for Translation. This year saw a record number of applicants with the German language. The result of the aptitude tests: 20 applicants recommended for enrollment.