
12 апреля 2013 г.: учебная видеоконференция с Европейским парламентом

7 May 2013|

On 12 April 2013, the School held the first in a series of planned videoconferences with the Directorate General for Interpretation of the European Parliament. Our European partners prepared speeches, and the students interpreted them consecutively using note-taking techniques. This was the first VC when the students were provided with the opportunity to practice interpreting in all four languages trained at the School – English, German, French and Spanish. The topics ranged from the Great Train Robbery to historical relations between the USSR and Latin America. European experts and the School trainers jointly assessed the results. This virtual interaction with the interpretation services of major international organizations proved to be an important extension to the school curriculum. The students received external assessment of their performance from skilled interpreters which in itself carries an added learning value.

15-19 апреля 2013: мастер классы старшего переводчика Секции русского устного перевода Штаб-квартиры ООН в Нью-Йорке Сергея Кочеткова

17 April 2013|

On 15-19 April 2013, Sergei Kochetkov, Senior Interpreter from the Russian Interpretation Section at the UN Headquarters in New York, gave a series of master classes in the St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation. During a week of intensive work the students brushed up their simultaneous interpretation skills doing actual speeches from the UN meetings in English and French. The classes with Sergei Kochetkov are a unique professional experience for the School trainees. Advice and analysis from such an experienced interpreter as Sergei Kochetkov will help the students acquire and apply UN standards of simultaneous interpretation.

21 и 22 марта 2013 г.: Школа приняла участие в конференции Генерального директората устного перевода «Новые способы обучения»

4 April 2013|

On 21 and 22 March, School Deputy Director Angelique Antonova took part in the New Modes of Learning conference held by the Directorate General for Interpretation of the European Commission (SCIC) for the EMCI university network. The conference addressed the issues of a virtual learning environment, as well as virtual master-classes between the universities and SCIC, or the universities themselves. The participants agreed that virtual learning promotes integration and cooperation within the network, and is more relevant to younger generations, for whom virtual communication is an everyday reality. Additionally, it the gives linguistic services of the European Commission an opportunity to monitor the training process in member universities. Videoconferences with SCIC involvement allow students to receive expert feedback on their performance, and strengthen ties between universities and employers.

Meetings with the representatives of the Directorate General for Interpretation of the European Parliament, and School Vice President Noel Myulle, concerning introduction of the training module on congress management into the School curriculum took place during the visit.

В феврале-марте 2013 г. в Школе состоялись мастер-классы старшего редактора Cлужбы русского письменного перевода Секретариата ООН в Нью-Йорке Д.И. Блошенко

29 March 2013|

From February 25 to March 16, 2013, Dmitri Bloshenko, a senior reviser in the Russian Translation Service of the UN Secretariat in New York, gave a series of master classes at the School.  Using actual UN texts as learning materials our guest explained the students how to avoid typical mistakes in the institutional translation with special emphasis on good command of the Russian language as the main challenge for novice translators. Dmitri Bloshenko took an active part in staff meetings at the School as well as in the international conference “Fighting the Fog in the Multilingualism” which was held during  his visit.

В январе 2013 г. в Школе состоялись мастер-классы начальника английской кабины Генерального директората устного перевода Европейской комиссии Дэвида Смита

29 March 2013|

On 23-25 January 2013 Mr David Smith, Head of the English booth of the DG SCIC, European Commission, gave a series of master-classes. He focused exclusively on interpreting into English, and his professional advice on mastering the retour is hard to overestimate.

В январе 2013 г. в Школе прошли мастер-классы редактора Cекции русского письменного перевода ООН в Женеве М. Кузьменко

29 March 2013|

Mikhail Kuzmenko, Reviser, the Russian Translation Section of the UN Office in Geneva, gave master classes at St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation from January 14 to February 2, 2013. He gave a series of classes in institutional translation, introduced the trainees to the UN terminology resources and documents, conducted a trial test in translation from English into Russian based on the UN general examination text, and gave the trainees general and individual recommendations on improving their translation skills

Юбилейная конференция

11 March 2013|

On 4 and 5 of March Herzen University hosted the International Conference “Fighting the Fog in Multilingualism: the Importance of Clear Writing and Speaking” dedicated to the 5 th anniversary of St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation. Vyacheslav
Makarov, Chairman of St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, Alexander Prokhorenko, Chair of the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg, Teimuraz Ramishvili, Director of the Language Support Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, and Brian Fox,
Director of the Directorate General for Interpreting of the European Commission welcomed the participants of the event. All of them spoke about the importance of the qualified language mediators training for the modern world, praised the School’s achievements and stressed the
necessity to support the project. Then the floor was given to renowned researchers and heads of translation and interpreting schools, including Barbara Moser-Mercer, Director of FTI (Geneva) and Tatiana Bodrova-Gogenmos, Director of ESIT (University Paris-3, New Sorbonne).
The final chord of the conference was translation recitals where reputed translators from St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Germany read out fragments from their translations done from Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Georgian, Hungarian, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish,
and Swedish.

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Генеральный директорат письменного перевода Еврокомиссии поздравляет Школу перевода с 5-летием

3 March 2013|

Национальная лига переводчиков поздравляет Санкт-Петербургскую высшую школу перевода с 5- летием.

1 March 2013|

Санкт-Петербургская высшая школа перевода проводит День открытых дверей 28 февраля в 17.30

8 February 2013|

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