
15 ноября 2012 г.: Школа приняла участие в конференции Генерального директората письменного перевода «Translating Skills into Jobs»

4 December 2012|

On 15 November, School Deputy Director Angelique Antonova took part in the 2013 DGT – EMT conference “Translating skills into jobs”. The conference addressed translation quality criteria and their adjustment for recent graduates, graduate employment and strategies to bring together graduates and employers. The presentations were followed by discussions, and I was pleased to note that many of the proposed ideas have already been realized in the School, while in certain respects the School is well in advance in building cooperation with the employers. The School’s good practice of building cooperation with the linguistic services of the UN, Russian MFA, as well as with the Russian private translation agencies was appreciated by the DGT and the conference participants.

The School received an invitation to join the EMT Consortium.

The meeting with Mr Martikonis, Director General of the DGT, outlined the perspectives for the further cooperation between our organizations. Mr Verleysen, Director of the DGT, accepted the invitation to take part in the conference “Fighting the Fog in Multilingualism” organized by the School in March 2013.

At another meeting, the representatives of the DG SCIC, European Commission, the School’s Vice-President Noël Muylle and Deputy Director Antonova discussed the possibility to introduce congress and meeting management as a training module in the School curriculum.

Вебинар Санкт-Петербургской высшей школы перевода для волонтеров олимпийских и паралимпийских игр Сочи-2014

1 November 2012|

On 22 October the School held a webinar for the volunteer interpreters for the Sochi-2014 Olympics and Paralympics. The webinar focused on mnemonics and interpreter speech training. The training was done by Prof. Irina Alexeeva. The exercises were focused on winter Olympic sports and geography of the Olympic region. The webinar was organized with Sochi, where Irina Petrun, who is in charge of the volunteer training for Soch-2014, coordinated the activities. The video and the presentation materials will be available on the School site shortly.

День Переводчика 2012: Каков урожай!

16 October 2012|

The celebration of the Translator Day in the School followed a busy working day: on top of the usual classes, the students attended a master class of Andrey Falaleev, a trainer of simultaneous interpreting from Monterey. The gist of the training was to make students to grasp the meaning of the phrase, instantly adjusting the style and “fighting off a knee-jerk reaction to substitute Russian words by the English ones”. It would seem the student had not a drop of energy left after the three days of Liam Long’s master classes, but no! they were as fresh and as willing to work as before.

A nice introduction to the celebration was the videolink to the expert roundtable discussion on Interpreters in Conflict Zones, taking place simultaneously in Boston and Geneva. Olga Cosmidou, Director General of the DG INTE, European Parliament, took place in this videocast. Also, the students had a chance to hear and see Barbara Moser-Mercier – head of the School of Interpretation and Translation in Geneva and supervisor of our joint project.

The celebration opened with the presentation of the last year’s “crop”: besides the textbooks written by the School trainers Liang Cuizhen (“Chinese Interpretation”) and Irina Martianova and Valentina Cherniak (“Russian for Interpreters”), there was a number of literary translations done by the School trainers. Among them are “Gondolatok a Kapitalizmusról” by Kornai János and “Jamrach’s Menagerie” by Carol Birch, both translated by Oxana Yakimenko, “Los Girasoles Ciegos” by Alberto Méndez and “Jardines Segredos de Mogador” by Alberto Ruy Sanchez, both translated by Vladimir Litus, poems by Celso Emilio Ferreiro translated by Yuri Shashkov and Maria Tolstaya, a complex philosophical essay by Marcelino Agis Villaverde “Camiñantes: Un Iterario Filosofico” done by Maria Tolstaya. The colleagues pleased us all proving again that the simultaneous is not the only craft to earn one’s bread with. There were many guests, though mostly the birds of our nest, the graduates.The new students entertained all present with a potpourri political performance; the graduates showed slides from their trip around the US west coast; the Kazakh diplomats said a few kind words about the School…

Our band of friends is growing! Congratulations!

1 – 3 октября старший переводчик Еврокомиссии Лиам Лонг дал серию мастер-классов по устному переводу

16 October 2012|

On 16-19 October Liam Long, an interpreter of the Directorate General for Interpretation, European Commission, opened the 2012-2013 Pedagogical Assistance Program with his series of master classes in interpretation for the School trainees. This time he mainly focused on the introduction into note-taking. Appreciating the students’ good command of English Liam Long organized an intensive practice and engaged all participants in the complex interaction. He also held joint classes with the School trainer Ekaterina Shutova.

Translation Forum Russia 2012 в Казани: Стремительные шаги отрасли translation industry striding on

16 October 2012|

On 30 September, the Translators’ Day, a salute of colored balloons soaring into the cloudless sky of Kazan marked the last day of Translation Forum Russia – the biggest professional conference in Russia bringing together language mediators from all over the country. A record number of people – around 500 – took part in the event.

As usual, the School was actively engaged in organizing and carrying out the Forum. Several days ahead of the Forum, an auto rally set off from Moscow with a message to promote language mediation in Russian cities. In Nizhni Novgorod, along the itinerary, a round table was held for students and trainers of the Nizhni Novgorod Linguistic University and the city’s language mediating community. The auto rally team was mainly composed of the leaders of major translation agencies. The School’s Deputy Director Angelique Antonova and its Honorary Vice President Noël Muylle represented the School.

During the Forum, the School led the round table on multilingualism, with Alexander Gorelik, the UN Information Center Director, and Noël Muylle, Honorary Director General of the European Commission as experts; Teimuraz Ramishvili, Head of the Linguistic Support Department, Russian MFA, participated actively in the discussion of language mediation issues. The School trainer Ekaterina Shutova moderated the round table on the issues of interpreter training. For the first time the Forum held a series of master classes on translation and interpretation from and into German by Irina Alexeeva. Also for the first time in the Forum’s history, the School trainer Thatcher Mines and Managing Director of the “Eclectic Translations” Agency William Hackett-Jones organized the work of the Freelance Workshop.

Among a multitude of topics, language mediation in sport attracted special attention, and the Sochi Organizing Committee members Andrey Moiseev and Elizaveta Sgibneva took time to answer all questions.

It is pointless to go through each and every issues discussed at the Forum in Kazan. One thing is clear though: the language mediation industry is rapidly taking shape, translators and interpreters do not hesitate to discuss challenges of improving the quality of their product and raising the social standing of the profession. We are glad that the St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation stands at the center of this important process.


Научно-методическое сотрудничество с Женевской высшей школой перевода: встреча с Домиником Ловейе

16 October 2012|

On 26-27 September, the School hosted Dominique Leveille, a translator and trainer of the Geneva School of Translation and Interpretation. Dominique Leveille gave a lecture «International Organizations, Parliamentary Procedure and Conference Terminology» with a focus on the mechanisms of decision-making and document terminology. He also met with the School trainers to discuss the issues of interpreter training and the resources of the ETI portal on which our guest offered specific comments. Knowledge about the high-tech equipment used for interpreter training in Geneva will contribute to the innovation of hardware in the School.

This was Dominique’s second visit to the School. He first came in 2009 with the delegation of ETI trainers, and it was at that time that our continued cooperation started. The current visit took place within the framework of the grant awarded by the Swiss government to pursue a joint research project in teaching translation and interpretation at both universities.

25 сентября в рамках визита в Герценовский университет делегации Высшей школы перевода Шанхайского университета иностранных языков и во исполнение Меморандума ООН успешно прошла научно-методическая конференция «Стратегия обучения переводчиков международного уровня: теория и практика».

27 September 2012|

25 сентября в рамках визита в Герценовский университет делегации Высшей школы перевода Шанхайского университета иностранных языков и во исполнение Меморандума ООН успешно прошла научно-методическая конференция «Стратегия обучения переводчиков международного уровня: теория и практика». С приветственным словом перед участниками выступил и.о. ректора проф. С.А.Гончаров. Помимо видных ученых и методистов ШУИЯ и СПбВШП участие в работе конференции приняли профессора Дальневосточного федерального университета (г. Владивосток). В завершение конференции состоялся круглый стол на тему: «Проблемы подготовки переводчиков для международных организаций». Перевод с китайского и английского языков осуществляли выпускники СПбВШП. 

программа конференции

17 сентября состоялась встреча начальника Службы русского письменного перевода ООН в Женеве В.А. Паршикова с руководством Университета и слушателями Санкт-Петербургской высшей школы перевода

26 September 2012|

On September 17, Vladimir Parshikov, Chief of the Russian Translation Service at the UNOG, visited Herzen University and the St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation. He had a meeting with Vice-Rector Sergey Goncharov, School Deputy Director Angelique Antonova and the Schools’ fifth generation of students. The parties discussed the prospects for cooperation between the University and the UN linguistic services, the School and the UNOG. The students were eager to learn about the ins and outs of the translator’s profession, the specifics of the translator’s trade in the UN, professional ethics, the norm and its variations. Vladimir Parshikov noted that the bulk of texts for translation dealt with human rights. The students asked many questions about mistakes and misprints in translations, various difficulties of translation, stylistics of the UN texts and internship programs. At the end, Vladimir Parshikov wished the students patience and perseverance.

3 сентября: открытие нового 2012-2013 учебного года

22 September 2012|

 On September 3, an opening ceremony of a new academic year took place at the St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation. The University and School officials came together to welcome the freshmen: Vice-Rector Sergey Goncharov wished them progress and perseverance in the most exciting, albeit difficult, ten months of studies. Graduates of previous years were eager to share their experiences with the new students. Sergey Leonov, for one, told them about his internship experience in UNOG. The specialty of this academic year is that within the framework of the agreement between the School and the MFA of Kazakhstan a group of young diplomats will be studying at the School to upgrade their language mediation skills. Ainur Nazarymbetova, Consul of Kazakhstan in St Petersburg, in her greeting speech appreciated the School’s professional environment and its high international standing. We hope that the friendly atmosphere of the School as well as the beautiful view of the University park from its windows will inspire the young interpreters to achieve success in their work.[media id=16 width=320 height=240]

30 августа, 2012: подписание Соглашения об оказании образовательных услуг с МИД Республики Казахстан

22 September 2012|

З0 августа Герценовский университет подписал соглашение об оказании образовательных услуг по повышению квалификации сотрудников Министерства иностранных дел Республики Казахстан, которое будет реализовываться на базе Санкт-Петербургской высшей школы перевода. Среди лиц, представляющих Казахстан, присутствовали: директор департамента администрации и контроля МИД Казахстана К.А. Саржанов, Генеральный консул Республики Казахстан в Санкт-Петербурге Б.М. Жумаханов, консул Республики Казахстан в Санкт-Петербурге А.А. Назарымбетова. Директор Школы И.С. Алексеева провела для гостей экскурсию по школе. Далее состоялась встреча с руководством Герценовского университета: ректором В.П. Соломиным, первым проректором С.А. Гончаровым, проректором по международному сотрудничеству С.М. Шиловым. На встрече обсуждались проблемы подготовки переводчиков в пространстве СНГ и перспективы сотрудничества Герценовского университета и МИД Казахстана по подготовке национальных кадров.