15 ноября 2012 г.: Школа приняла участие в конференции Генерального директората письменного перевода «Translating Skills into Jobs»
On 15 November, School Deputy Director Angelique Antonova took part in the 2013 DGT – EMT conference “Translating skills into jobs”. The conference addressed translation quality criteria and their adjustment for recent graduates, graduate employment and strategies to bring together graduates and employers. The presentations were followed by discussions, and I was pleased to note that many of the proposed ideas have already been realized in the School, while in certain respects the School is well in advance in building cooperation with the employers. The School’s good practice of building cooperation with the linguistic services of the UN, Russian MFA, as well as with the Russian private translation agencies was appreciated by the DGT and the conference participants.
The School received an invitation to join the EMT Consortium.
The meeting with Mr Martikonis, Director General of the DGT, outlined the perspectives for the further cooperation between our organizations. Mr Verleysen, Director of the DGT, accepted the invitation to take part in the conference “Fighting the Fog in Multilingualism” organized by the School in March 2013.
At another meeting, the representatives of the DG SCIC, European Commission, the School’s Vice-President Noël Muylle and Deputy Director Antonova discussed the possibility to introduce congress and meeting management as a training module in the School curriculum.