Зеленая экономика – для переводчиков международных организаций
Green Economics for Interpreters of International Organizations
From 16 to 20 April Herzen University hosted a professional skills upgrading seminar for the interpreters of the UN and the European Commission. The programme of the seminar was devised jointly by the Herzen School of Economics (represented by Dean Alexey Linkov), the School of Foreign Languages (Nataliya Sigareva and Tatiana Yudina) and St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation, the Institute of Foreign Relations (Alexander Kruglov and Irina Alexeeva). The programme embraced a wide range of lectures by leading economists on the issues of resource-based economy in Russia as well as training in the Russian language usage by professor Irina Martyanova and a review of the latest tendencies in the economic translation in Russia presented by a simultaneous interpreter Oxana Yakimenko. The programme also included a trip to the LNPP (Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant) and to the Museum of Vodokanal (St Petersburg water services company). The office of Vice Rector Sergey Shilov administered the seminar. Participants and organizers of the seminar at the LNPP
«Участники и организаторы семинара На Ленинградской атомной электростанции»