
Зеленая экономика – для переводчиков международных организаций

25 May 2012|

Green Economics for Interpreters of International Organizations

From 16 to 20 April Herzen University hosted a professional skills upgrading seminar for the interpreters of the UN and the European Commission. The programme of the seminar was devised jointly by the Herzen School of Economics (represented by Dean Alexey Linkov), the School of Foreign Languages (Nataliya Sigareva and Tatiana Yudina) and St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation, the Institute of Foreign Relations (Alexander Kruglov and Irina Alexeeva). The programme embraced a wide range of lectures by leading economists on the issues of resource-based economy in Russia as well as training in the Russian language usage by professor Irina Martyanova and a review of the latest tendencies in the economic translation in Russia presented by a simultaneous interpreter Oxana Yakimenko. The programme also included a trip to the LNPP (Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant) and to the Museum of Vodokanal (St Petersburg water services company). The office of Vice Rector Sergey Shilov administered the seminar. Participants and organizers of the seminar at the LNPP

«Участники и организаторы семинара На Ленинградской атомной электростанции»

Круглый стол: «Стандарты качества в сфере перевода»

25 May 2012|

On 6 March, the St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation hosted a round table discussion “Quality Standards in Translation and Translation Competency Assessment”. A constructive and engaged discussion lasted from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. Among the participants were A. Krivtsov, Chief Expert of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Moscow), V. Strizhakov, Deputy Chief of the Department of Staff Assessment in the Research and Training Center “Control and Diagnostics” (Moscow), N. Duplenskiy, Vice President and Chairman of the Expert Board of the National League of Translators (Moscow), E. Maslovskiy, a UTR Board Member, representatives of translation agencies from Moscow and St Petersburg and the Proverbum Center, administration and trainers of the St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation and St Petersburg State University. The participants of the discussion came to the conclusion that it was necessary to develop national industrial quality standards and expressed their readiness to take part in this process together with the Russian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

17 марта 2012 г. в Санкт-Петербургской высшей школе перевода состоялась встреча с Розой Кавеноки, известным переводчиком, преподавателем, заведующей кафедрой русско-английского перевода Высшей школы перевода Монтерейского института международных исследований.

25 April 2012|

17 March: a meeting with Rosa Kavenoki, a famous interpreter, trainer and head of the Russian-English Department at a Graduate School of Middlebury College, Monterey Institute of International Studies, took place in St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation.

Rosa Kavenoki graduated from the Foreign Languages Department, Herzen University, and worked as an interpreter and a guide in Spanish and Italian. Since moving to the USA she has been working as an interpreter and translator with the English-Russian language combination, as well as a trainer and a consultant. A specialist in a wide range of subjects, such as the US legal system, law enforcement, economic crime, counterterrorism, non-proliferation of WMD, sport, culture and arts. An advisor on cross-cultural communication to state and private US and Russian entities.

During the meeting the School trainees showed interest in the issues of interpreter training in the USA, the current state of the interpretation /translation market, the interpreter’s status in the USA and Russia, the state of the Russian language in America, etc.

Март-апрель 2012 г. – мастер-классы К.Г. Касьянова, старшего переводчика Секции русского устного перевода Штаб-квартиры ООН в Нью-Йорке.

25 April 2012|

March-April 2012 – Master Classes of Kirill Kasyanov, Senior Interpreter, Russian Interpretation Section, UN Headquarters, New York.

From 18 March to 8 April 2012 the School hosted Kirill Kasyanov, a senior interpreter from the Russian Interpretation Section at the UN Headquarters in New York who gave a series of master classes. During three weeks of rigorous work the students practiced their interpreting skills doing actual speeches from the UN meetings. Thanks to our guest’s professionalism every class became a unique experience in professional communication, and his criticism helped the students to understand and try to avoid the most typical mistakes of a simultaneous interpreter. In addition to the classes, Kirill Kasyanov took part in several mock-conferences and sat as an expert on the Admissions Panel for the new applicants.

В феврале-марте 2012 г. в Школе состоялись мастер-классы старшего редактора Cлужбы русского письменного перевода Секретариата ООН в Нью-Йорке Д.И. Блошенко

25 April 2012|

From February 20 to March 11, 2012, Dmitri Bloshenko, a senior reviser in the Russian Translation Service of the UN Secretariat in New York, gave a series of master classes at the School. As in the past, our guest devoted most of the time to the translation of various materials having to do with economic subject matter, and following the completion of the three-week training course he conducted a trial test using actual examination text from the 2010 competitive exams for prospective candidates for employment as the UN translators. During the training sessions the students were demonstrated some of the typical challenges of the institutional translation with an emphasis on the need to further improve their command of the Russian language. Dmitri Bloshenko took active part in staff meetings of the School where issues of further development of translation training at the School were discussed. He also advised the students about specific topics deserving more in-depth scrutiny within the “Introduction to the Global Economy” course.

|Симпозиум по истории перевода в РГГУ (Москва)

25 April 2012|

On September 15-17 the Russian State University for the Humanities hosted a Symposium on intercultural approaches to the study of the history of translation. Russian academics and their colleagues from Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, the US, Sweden, India, Iran discussed the main issues of the science of translation, national specifics of translation theory, different approaches to translation of sacred texts, translators and other issues. Irina Alexeeva’s report on Innokenty Annensky, a translator of the early XX cent., gave rise to a lively discussion about translator’s personal styles.

Томск – дружеская помощь

25 April 2012|

The School Director Irina Alexeeva spent four days, from 28 February to 3 March, in the State Pedagogical University of Tomsk with a series of lectures on the theory and practice of teaching interpreting and translation. She held several master classes in interpreting and translation. The School is planning to extend the range of short-term programs of skills upgrading for interpreters and translators.

Contribution of St Petersburg scholars to the theory of translation | Отмечен вклад петербургских ученых в науку о переводе

25 April 2012|

Contribution of St Petersburg scholars to the theory of translation
A monograph of Tadeusz Szczerbowski “Russian Theories of Literary Translation” has
been published in Poland. It is a broad retrospective which embraces the works of renowned
scholars from A. Potebnya and A. Fedorov to Yu. Lotman and E. Etkind. Contemporary
academics are represented by M. Gasparov and T. Kazakova. The book devotes a separate
chapter to Irina Alexeeva, Herzen professor and Director of St Petersburg School of Conference
Interpreting and Translation, and her theory of translatology.

Отмечен вклад петербургских ученых в науку о переводе
В Польше опубликована монография Тадеуша Щербовского «Российские теори>и
литературного перевода». Широкая ретроспектива охватывает труды ученых от
А.Потебни и А.Федорова до Ю.Лотмана и Е.Эткинда. Среди современных ученых
Петербурга отмечен вклад М.Гаспарова и Т.Казаковой. Отдельная глава книги посвящена
профессору Герценовского университета, директору Санкт-Петербургской высшей школы
перевода И.С.Алексеевой и ее теории транслатологии текста (см.илл.)

День открытых дверей

23 April 2012|

On March 5, there was a Welcome Day in the St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation. Anyone interested in interpreting and translation had a chance to talk to the School graduates and students, administration and trainers. The gathering grew into a serious discussion of the practicalities of interpretation training in general and issues of training interpreters and translators for international organizations in particular.

Круглый стол: «Стандарты качества в сфере перевода»

23 April 2012|