
1 марта в 17.00 состоится день открытых дверей Санкт-Петербургской высшей школы перевода

16 January 2012|

St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation holds a Welcome Day on 1 March at 5 p.m. The event is to be attended by Mr. Sergey Goncharov, First Vice-Rector, Herzen University, Irina Alexeeva, Director of St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation, a renown teacher of interpreting and translation, translator and author of several books on interpreter training; other interpreters and trainers. The students and graduates of the School will also take part.
Venue: 3a Kazanskaya str., St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation, Herzen University (Building 18, floor 7). Tel: +7 (812) 570-08-94

В декабре в Школе состоялись мастер-классы главного советника МИД России в отставке, переводчика высшего уровня О.А. Крохалева

16 January 2012|

Traditionally December is a month when the School hosts Russian MFA interpreters. Oleg Krokhalev, retired MFA chief advisor, interpreter working at the highest level, gave master classes in simultaneous interpretation to the students from December 13 to December 18, 2011. The classes of Oleg Krohalev came as a powerful final chord in a semester of hard work. His expertise, energy and composure combined with vast diplomatic culture impressed the students – a good example to follow.


В декабре 2011 года в Школе состоялись мастер-классы старшего редактора Секции русских письменных переводов Отделения ООН в Женеве А.Р. Шаяхметова.

16 January 2012|

From 28 November to 9 December 2011, the School’s students had an opportunity to attend master classes offered by Aidar Shayakhmetov, a Senior Reviser from the Russian Translation Section at UNOG.

Drawing on his many years of service in New York and Geneva, Aidar Shayakhmetov highlighted the practices developed over the years by translation units at various UN duty stations, spelled out the competencies that need to be acquired by UN staff at language posts and talked about employment opportunities in the context of succession planning, which is now at an advanced stage at the UN. He analysed with students their individual efforts to translate papers from English and Spanish into Russian, which had been eliminatory at recently conducted UN examinations, introduced them to different types of documents processed at the UN and shared with them his experience of working with UN terminology resources and other databases available online. Students’ skills of translation from Russian into English were also tested in class. Each workshop was accompanied by a Q & A session, which was an essential part of the learning process.

In his close contacts with the administrators and faculty, Aidar Shayakhmetov discussed in great detail the ways to fine-tune cooperation within the framework of arrangements existing between the University and the UN and sought to identify further possible steps to bring the curriculum in line with the requirements of the UN language services, building on the School’s accomplishments.


Переводчики Европейского Парламента Илга Берзиня и Наталия Малыхина – гости школы

16 January 2012|

Three weeks, from 21 November to 10 December, saw the first attempt to establish cooperation between the St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation and the Linguistic Services of the European Parliament. The purpose of the visit for the EP interpreters Ilga Berzina and Natalia Malyhina was to polish the command of the Russian language, which greatly surprised everybody at the school since both guests were native Russian speakers. However, speaking the language as a professional interpreter differs from casual chat, and our guests learned a lot from attending master-classes in interpretation by the school trainers and the visiting UN translator Aidar Shayakhmetov. In our turn, we engaged our guests in the school activities and the students appreciated their professionalism and vast background. No less enthusiastically the students participated in multilingual mock-conferences organized by Ilga and Natalia. We sincerely hope that our cooperation with the European Parliament will be dynamic and fruitful moving forward.

Укрепление сотрудничества с университетами Германии: визит И.С. Алексеева в университет имени Иоганна Гуттенберга

29 December 2011|

German is the second in significance language of the European Union and second in use on the interpretation market in St Petersburg. These issues were discussed at the meeting with the colleagues from the Slavic Department and the Department of Cultural Studies and Translation of Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz / Germersheim, Germany. Next year this university is planning to publish a collection of articles about modern discourses in translation theory by Russian scholars in German. Irina Alexeeva gave a lecture „Horizons of literary translation“ and made a report „Rückkehr in die Fremde“ about interpreter training methods in bilingual groups.

Ты переводчик – переводи! В гостях у школы – Михаил Загот

29 December 2011|

On 31 October the School trainers and students welcomed Mikhail Zagot, a well-known interpreter and MSLU lecturer. Now our trainees know him not only as an author of the famous song about interpreters, but also as a self-critical and versatile professional of translation. Mikhail Zagot started his carrier as a translator of literature. He did translations of Fitzgerald and Vonnegut and was a member of the Union of Writers in the USSR. He did a lot of translation for the cinema. Quality has always been of prime importance for him. We found in Mikhail a common string: several of the school’s trainers are trying their hand at different kinds of translation, too. Our guest was bombarded with questions, and one of the memorable answers went like this: “Why do I teach? Just because the experience reaches a critical point when one is eager to share it”. We hope that our trainees will benefit from this sharing, too. That day Mikhail Zagot presented his translation of a new book about Sherlock Holmes “The Silk House” by Anthony Gorovitz. The St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation extends its congratulations on this remarkable achievement!

Дружеские встречи в МГИМО: курс на расширение сотрудничества

29 December 2011|

On 24 October the School Director Irina Alexeeva and Deputy Director Angelique Antonova visited the Moscow Institute for International studies – MGIMO – to meet Vice Rector Gennady Gladkov. The meeting was held in a friendly and constructive atmosphere. In the framework of our cooperation, we are planning a series of joint mock conferences, a trainer exchange program and developing a joint pool of audio and visual teaching materials for interpretation needs. Irina Alexeeva and Angelique Antonova attended the classes of a brilliant trainer and master of interpretation Vladimir Faekov.


Шанхайская высшая школа перевода – встреча с коллегами по Меморандуму на китайской земле: 9-14 октября 2011

14 December 2011|

On 9-14 October 2011, School Director Irina Alexeeva and professor Liang Cui Zheng made their first visit to the Shanghai School of Interpreting and Translation at the Shanghai University of International Studies. The delegation learned about the activities and resources of the Shanghai School and attended several classes.

During the visit the parties exchanged opinions about training interpreters and found similar features in their methodics. The delegation also visited the Translation Theory Research Center at the SISU where Xia Chang Zheng – a scholar of authority in the theory of translation – offered a review of their latest works on the history, theory and methodology of translation. He specially mentioned the contribution of Russian scholars in the field, drawing out a volume of research dedicated to the theoretical findings in Russia. St Petersburg School was invited to contribute to the scientific journal on the theory of translation. Official meetings with the Shanghai School administration and staff resulted in an agreement to organize a joint conference on methodology of interpreting and translation in St Petersburg in 2012.

Первый ооновец в этом учебном году

14 December 2011|

The early-in-the-year visits to the School of Vladimir Parshikov, Head of the Russian Translation Service, UNOG, have become a tradition. On 17 September he met with the students, trainers and the school administration. The talk was substantive, interesting and informal. The avalanche of questions bespoke of the seriousness of the students’ intention to master ins and outs of translation in the UN. A detailed account of intricacies of the UNOG Translation Service taught the trainees an important lesson: the condition of the translator’s success is the internal bonding of the translators’ community, teamwork and professional collegiality.

Первый ооновец в этом учебном году

14 December 2011|

Noel Muylle, a patriarch of interpretation, gave a traditional series of master-classes to the students. A true teacher, he was dynamic and strict, yet gracious. The energy boost that his classes gave to the students will help them to get through this difficult year full of hard work .

Noel Muylle had a meeting with Vice-Rector Sergey Goncharov. The parties discussed the School’s standing in the Russian and international academic milieu and cooperation moving forward.