On 4 and 5 of March Herzen University hosted the International Conference “Fighting the Fog in Multilingualism: the Importance of Clear Writing and Speaking” dedicated to the 5 th anniversary of St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation. Vyacheslav
Makarov, Chairman of St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, Alexander Prokhorenko, Chair of the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg, Teimuraz Ramishvili, Director of the Language Support Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, and Brian Fox,
Director of the Directorate General for Interpreting of the European Commission welcomed the participants of the event. All of them spoke about the importance of the qualified language mediators training for the modern world, praised the School’s achievements and stressed the
necessity to support the project. Then the floor was given to renowned researchers and heads of translation and interpreting schools, including Barbara Moser-Mercer, Director of FTI (Geneva) and Tatiana Bodrova-Gogenmos, Director of ESIT (University Paris-3, New Sorbonne).
The final chord of the conference was translation recitals where reputed translators from St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Germany read out fragments from their translations done from Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Georgian, Hungarian, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish,
and Swedish.

Радио Голос России http://rus.ruvr.ru/2013_03_04/V-Peterburge-projdet-mezhdunarodnaja-konferencija-perevodchikov/

ИТАР-ТАСС http://spb.itar-tass.com/c344/666555.html

Софокл http://www.sofokl.ru/news.php?action=view&id=350

БАЛТИНФО http://www.baltinfo.ru/2013/03/03/V-Peterburge-soberutsya-veduschie-perevodchiki-Evropy-339933

Северная звезда http://www.nstar-spb.ru/articles/article_5643.html

Северная звезда http://www.nstar-spb.ru/articles/article_5644.html

Регнум http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1631822.html

Русский век http://ruvek.ru/?module=news&action=view&id=10881

Русский мир http://www.russkiymir.ru/russkiymir/ru/news/common/news37762.html

С-Петербургский дневник http://www.spbdnevnik.ru/news/2013-03-04/sankt-peterburgskaya-vysshaya-shkola-perevoda-otmechaeyt-pyatiletiey/

ЗАКС http://www.assembly.spb.ru/welcome/show/633200002/18747