On 10-12 April 2019 SCIT hosted a Training of Trainers Seminar which was run by Alessandra Riccardi, EMCI Vice-President. The seminar was devoted to giving feedback in interpreter training, and SCIT trainers and Herzen IFL teachers were invited to participate.

The seminar addresses various theoretical and practical aspects of feedback: its aims and objectives, different forms of feedback, different approaches to feedback, interpreting quality criteria and feedback, progression and differences in feedback.

SCIT students were also enthusiastic participants of the ToT seminar. Their interpretation in consecutive and simultaneous modes served as exercise for trainers in giving feedback. Feedback plays a key role in conference interpreting training. It enables students to learn to analyze and evaluate their errors, to minimize or avoid repetition of the same types of mistakes, to build up a mental model of what their interpretation should be like, and gives them orientation with concrete examples and signals what they are aiming at.