From 28 to 31 May Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) hosted a series of annual CIUTI events. This representative forum brings together the representatives of universities with T&I programs from around the world with a view to share the best world practices in teaching T&I and develop better cooperation strategies.

On 28 and 29 May SISU held a conference Reshaping the T&I Paradigm: Openness and Integration. This conference aimed to provide a platform for educators, professionals and industry representatives, to share innovative ideas on strengthening the inclusiveness and interdisciplinary integration in the fields of translation and interpreting studies. The conference participants discussed a wide range of topics such as employability issues for T&I graduates, the use of AI and online format in training T&I specialists, the interdisciplinary connections between T&I studies and human cognition, sociology and cross-cultural communication. SCIT was represented by Deputy Director Angelique Antonova who gave a presentation about the specific features of a foreign culture oriented languag, semantic relativity and semantic aberration.

Following the conference, on 30-31 May SISU hosted the CIUTI General Assembly. The agenda was various: presentation of the new CIUTI members, report of the Asia-Pacific ocean, meetings with institutional representatives, signing of Memorandum of Cooperation between CIUTI and Center for Language Education and Cooperation of China (CLEC), and other issues. The CIUTI GA introdiced an important initiative – the CIUTI Lectures series. The series will consist of lectures delivered via online by the faculty of the CIUTI members to be available to the students of partner universities- CIUTI members.  Also CIUTI members introduced their projects devoted to various aspects of T&I training, such as Networking for Community-building (Università di Bologna), Working with Interpreters in Refugee Transit Zones. Capacity building and awareness raising for higher-education contexts (Universität Wien),  Innovative practices in inclusive translation/interpreting: integration of new digital instruments and tools to increase accessibility (Moscow State Linguistic University) and others.

We are sure that SCIT’s participation in these interesting events will raise the SCIT profile in the international academic environment and will strengthen the ties with partner universities from CIUTI.