On 9 March  SCIT students had a master-class with Andrey Falaleyev, a renown interpreter and trainer. Andrey enjoys an impeccable reputation in the professional circles, he is a professional with 30 years of experience, active AIIC member, he has worked with famous global companies, international organizations, state authorities in Russia and the USA, interpreted at all the Olympics starting from 1984.  Andrey is an experienced trainer for sim and consec (DLI, MIIS) and author of many interpretation manuals.

Andrey Falaleyev’s master class consisted of two parts: the first part was acquaintance. Our guest told the students about his professional way, about the personal qualities neccessary for an interpreter, and peppered his stories with anecdotes from his professional life. His own example illustrated some strategies and know-hows for handling potentially difficult professional situations.  The second part of the master class was given to exercise. The students in the booths practiced simultaneous interpreting and in the same breath received feedback. Andrey also described some effective techniques of interpreter (self)training and explained how his manuals can be used for this purpose.

Students from Herzen’s T&I Department also attended the master class.

We thank Andrey for the master-class and hope to have more meetings soon!