On 13-17 September CIUTI holds the General Assembly and the conference in the Peruvian university of applied sciences in Lima.  SCIT has been a member of this respected organization for many years now, and we consider it important to maintain the international cooperation on a high level. For this reason Angelique Antonova, SCIT Deputy Director, set off to Lima to take part in this important gathering and present her report at the conference.

The participants have a busy agenda: discussing the results of 2021-2022 year for CIUTI, planning new events and projects, appointment of the governing body, presentation of the new CIUTI members, planning the publication activities and many others. In the meeting discussions the organization members stressed the importance of teaching students the remote interpreting skills and the necessity to enhance the retour skills, especially with English. Besides, the participants eagerly discussed the issues related to mental and physical health of interpreters, especially in the stressful  conditions of remote work.

At the pending conference the participants will share their experiences of teaching translation and interpreting in the new post-covid times, discuss the use of new technologies in T&I training and various issues elated to adapting T&I trainig to the “new normal”. Angelique Antonova will speak about the cluster principle adopted for the SCIT training model.