On 20 April SCIT representatives took part in the Universities Contact Group  meeting of IAMLADP  on behalf of Herzen University. This group acts as a link between international organizations hiring language specialists and universities with the relevant training programs thus contributing to the information exchange and cooperation.  Herzen university was represented by Angelique Antonova, SCIT Deputy Director.

The agenda covered a lot of issues, from training of trainers to information about the past and upcoming relevant academic events held by the member universities. The participants also discussed launching the procedure for the renewal of UCG membership for universities. Herzen university announced about the pending seminar for the interpreters of international organizations with Russian scheduled to take place in July in the distant format. We have also invited the partners to take part the SCIT jubilee conference Quality of Translator and Interpreter Training in theEra of Globalization, Human-centric Innovation and Artificail Intelligence to be held on 11-12 October in St. Petersburg. A lot of attention was given to the prospects of student internships in international organizations. SCIT confirmed that our students are ready to take part in these trainings in UNHQ in New York and UN offices in Europe.

Despite the meeting’s virtual mode the partners had a constructive dialugue and contributed to strengthening the ties among universities and IO employers.