
18 October 2019: Trilateral VC with the European Parliament and UNOV

23 October 2019|

On 18 October SCIT students took part in the trilateral virtual conference with the Europen Parliament and UN office in Vienna. The foreign partners provided speeches to be interpreted consecutively and assessed the students’ performance. The topics ranged from the studies into the effects of coffee on health to cigarette packaging, the level of speeches was set as beginner’s. Yet, it was a challenging experience.

To quote Dmitri Lupich, SCIT student:

That was a truly rewarding experience for us, as we were able to test our skills in conditions close to real life, with insightful comments provided by experienced interpreters from the European Parliament and the United Nations. The feedback we received was worthwhile and helpful to track our performance and progress.

It is noteworthy, however, that the complexity of the speeches seemed rather high for the stage we are at, and their duration exceeded the time limit of 6 minutes provided in the script, making the task quite challenging for us. It is our shared view that we would have performed better if we had had more time to master note-taking techniques by the time of the conference. Nevertheless, we showed results we are satisfied with, and we are happy to have had this experience.

We thank all participants of the conference and look forward to another one.

14 October: VC with DG SCIC on Self-Training

16 October 2019|

On 14 October SCIT students had their first virtual class with the European Comission.

Dmitry Lupich, SCIT student, says:

Thank you for organising the virtual class with the European Commission. My colleagues and I found it extremely rewarding and insightful. With Carlos García Vico as our trainer during the session, we had a chance to share ideas about the self-training and self-evaluation aspects of our course in a productive, open and inspiring manner.

Our special thanks goes to Mr. García Vico for being so very kind and cooperative, and from whom we received good advice on how to approach self-training; we learned about several techniques that could facilitate that process. Even more importantly, Mr. García Vico inspired us to work harder and stay focused, however difficult sometimes things might seem to us at this early stage.

It seems to us, however, that this class would have been more effective and beneficial for us, had it been scheduled for an earlier date, maybe in September; it would have also been more productive if we had had more time for the practical part of the session.

All in all, the video conference was a great experience. We appreciate your efforts and the efforts of your colleagues from the European Commission in organising it, and we are looking forward to having more classes like this.

Master-classes of Rita Nikolajeva, EC SCIC interpreter

7 October 2019|

On 2-4 October SCIT hosted Rita Nikolajeva, EC SCIC interpreter. Our guest is a highly qualified specialist with vast experience in teaching interpretation at universities in Latvia and Germany, freelance interpreting, and working for the European Commission. The master-classes were aimed at practicing notetaking. Rita Nikolajeva made a short theoretical introduction and gave most of the class-time to the intensive practice. The speeches were prepared by the students. Except master-classes, Rita Nikolajeva took part in the seminar Terra Translatologica, and even engaged in the discussion with the speaker Michael Demidov. SCIT students thank Rita for the lessons, and for the notebooks she generously gave them to train notetaking!

3 October 2019: First Open Seminar Terra Translatologica

4 October 2019|

On 3 October the first open research and methodological seminar Terra Translatologica took place at the Herzen University. The seminar is a joint project of SCIT and the Institute of Foreign Languages, Herzen University. It is conceived as a venue for regular meetings and discussion of all issues related to interpreting and translation. The first meeting was dedicated to the issues of specialization in T&I. the key-note speaker was Michael Demidov, SCIT graduate and now a successful interpreter in the sphere of medicine and veterinary. The participants were invited to discuss the following issues:

  1. Is specialization necessary in T&I?
  2. What is primary: profession or education in T&I?
  3. How many languages does a T&I specialist need today?
  4. Where and how does one study T&I?
  5. Is there a need for theory in T&I practice?
  6. Does a T&I specialist have to acquire Proficiency (C2) level?

The participants of the seminar were SCIT and IFL students and other guests. The seminar was also attended by Rector Sergey Bogdanov, Chair of the Committee for Science and Higher Education of the St. Petersburg Government Andrey Maximov, director of the Centre for Strategic Development Marina Lipetskaya, Vice-rector for International Affairs Yulia Komarova. No one was left indifferent by Michael’s emotional presentation, and the guests enthusiastically shared their opinion on the usefulness and necessity for a T&I specialist to have a sphere of specialization.

Celebrating the International Translator’s Day at SCIT

3 October 2019|

On 2 October SCIT marked the International Translator’s Day. Traditionally, SCIT trainers, graduates and present year students got together in the conference hall to celebrate. The presentation of the translations done by the SCIT trainers over the last two years opened the event. Daria Sinitsyna presented her translations of such authors as Hernán Rivera Letelier (The Art of the Resurrection and The Anthem of the Angel Stand in a Feet) and García Márquez (Leaf Storm). Oxana Yakimenko spoke about her work on the impressive volume of Ejan Mackay Law and Economics for Civil Law Systems, and János Pilinszky’s book Conversations with Sheril Sutton. With much enthusiasm Irina Alexeeva presented her translation of Europe’s Invention of the Gypsies: A History of Cultural Violence by Klaus-Michael Bogdal and announced the new edition of Mozart’s letters in her translation. The guests gave a round of applause to the winners of the Cosines Pi contest, and congratulated the last year graduates on finally receiving the EMCI certificates which prove their international qualifications. Among the guests was a visiting EC interpreter Rita Nikolajeva, who was at SCIT on mission. Tea and pies came in handy for the friendly chat, which crowned the evening.



30 September 2019|

The Contest of Simultaneous Interpreters Cosines Pi took place in the last week of September in Moscow State University. This year the contest had an extended programme. Its founding father and chief sponsor Marklen Konurbaev added other language nominations, and dressed the jury in purple velvet togas of Roman judges. SCIT kept the bar high, and its graduates took winning places in different nominations and categories.

Anna Mikhilyuk – 1 prize in the nomination ‘French’,

Fedor Makhlayuk – 2 prize in the nomination ‘English Professional’,

Polina Volkova – 3 prize in the nomination ‘French’,

Andrey Krupennikov1 prize in the nomination ‘German’,

Elizaveta Yanina – 2 prize in the nomination ‘Spanish’.

Our congratulations to the winners and their teachers! Five winners out of total 18 finalists is a fine present for all SCIT trainers on their professional holiday.


24-26 September 2019: IAMLADP UCG Special Session in China

25 September 2019|

On 24 – 26 September Graduate Institute of Interpreting and Translation, Shanghai  International Studies University, hosts IAMLADP University Contact Group session. Since SCIT has been actively engaged in the work of this renowned association of universitites training T&I specialists for international organizations SCIT Deputy Director Angelique Antonova was invited to give a presentation at the plenary session.  Such meetings prsesent an excellent opportunity for universities and IOs to discuss the present day needs and  develop cooperation strategies for the future. The parallel sessions address current and future needs and requirements of language staff in IOs,  and universities’ steps to upgrade the educational programmes so as to meet tomorrow’s needs of IOs. Also, a mock conference on food safety will be held for the GIIT students with the feedback from the UCG teachers .

The conference was crowned by a visit to the IT company IFLYTEK CO., LTD which develops AI translation and interpretation software. The participants were demonstrated the work of AI systems, and were favourably impressed by their efficiency.


12 and 13 September 2019: SCIT takes part in GA EMCI

24 September 2019|

On 12 and 13 September 2019 Comillas University in Madrid hosted the EMCI General Asseembly. SCIT was represented by Angeliqye Antonova, SCIT Deputy Director.  The GA agenda included various issues, such as organization of bilateral virtual conferences, teacher and QA mobility schemes, results of the Student Meeting in Prague in May 2019, planning 20th Anniversary Conference in 2021, and closing of the 2018-2019 EMCI project.  Also the General Assambley took a vote on the admission of two potential members – Stockholm University and and University of Bologna / Forli, and both candidates were given “the green light”.  Plans were developed for the EMCI project 2019-2020.

16 – 27 September 2019: Master-classes of Ivan Bogachev, ESCAP translator

18 September 2019|

On 16-27 September SCIT is hosting Ivan Bogachev, ESCAP translator. Ivan came from Bangkok for two weeks  to introduce the students to the subleties of institutional translation in the international organization, and also to forwarn them about the difficulties a novice translator may encounter.  Ivan’s visit is another step in building up the cooperation between SCIT and ESCAP. This summer Anatoliy Kashin, SCIT alumnus 2019, had an internship at ESCAP. We hope that future graduates will also have the opportunity of an ESCAP internship, and the skills they will acquire in Ivan’s classes will help them to show themselves in the best possible light.

SCIT hosts master-class of Andrey Falaleyev

16 September 2019|

If there are superstitious people among interpreters, even they would forget about the  date in the calendar – Friday 13th, when SCIT hosted a renowned interpreter Andrey Falaleyev with a master-class on simultaneous interpretation! Vivid stories from his own professional  life, useful advice and a short Q&A session – Andrey generously shared his experience with the students. They have already learned a lot of  new things, but there is still a long way to go…  Master-classes such as this have become an integral part of SCIT training, and we are looking forward to the next meeting with a pro interpreter!